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eighth of november造句

  • A few weeks before 28 November 1868, Dickens announced a new series for " All the Year Round " : " I beg to announce to the readers of this Journal, that on the completion of the Twentieth Volume on the Twenty-eighth of November, in the present year, I shall commence an entirely New Series of All the Year Round.
  • Nevertheless, on the eighth of November four decrees were published, all of them directed against easy targets : against the followers of the heretical reformers, Jan Hus, recently burnt at the stake at the Council of Constance despite a promise of safe conduct, and against the English followers of John Wycliffe, who claimed that the highest authority was the Bible; against the followers of the schismatic Antipope Benedict XIII; a decree postponing the negotiations with the Greeks and other Eastern Orthodox churches ( which were later worked into acceptable compromises in the long working sessions of the Council of Florence, 1438 to 1445 ); and a decree advising greater vigilance against heresy, the easiest target of all.
  • It's difficult to see eighth of november in a sentence. 用eighth of november造句挺难的
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